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Labyrinth Attraction opens in the Adirondacks

Posted: 8/3/2023

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Labyrinth Attraction opens in the Adirondacks

A New Mindfulness-Based Attraction

Under a light drizzle that constantly threatened to turn into a downpour, about 70 hardy souls gathered on July 27 at Asa Adirondack to celebrate the opening of what is believed to be the first mindful tourist attraction in the Adirondacks ~ the Adirondack Labyrinth in the Town of Johnsburg. 

Emceed by former WNYT-13 News Anchor and mystery fiction author Phil Bayly, a litany of business leaders and dignitaries poured praise on this project for its ingenuity and potential to bring new tourists to the Adirondacks and its important role in helping create thriving, sustainable communities in the southern Adirondacks. 

Officially opened on August 1, the 70-foot outdoor labyrinth has already drawn over 60 walkers with reservations to experience the labyrinth stretching into September. Asa Adirondack’s website traffic increased from a handful of visitors per day to 4,000 in one day and is steadying out to 500 visitors each day since the ribbon cutting on July 27. 

Building a Labyrinth as part of her “soft adventure sanctuary” experience was conceived by Christine Powers, Asa Adirondack CEO & Founder in early 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We created Asa and the Labyrinth as a safe haven for all ~ a place to come and rejuvenate. A place to leave politics, identities, and issues aside, to find a renewed sense of calm and centeredness. With local and global political tensions and divisive rhetoric running rampant, we built this labyrinth to ignite a much-needed sense of hope and unity here first, and we intend to watch it ripple outward.” 

It takes a Village

Jim SIplon, President and CEO of EDC Warren County, shared observations about the potential of this attraction in the Adirondack region: “... An important dimension of any community that is sustainable, is to find multiple ways, different ways that welcome everybody into their connection to each other and to the place. And this place is like no other. And you all know it, you're from here, and you celebrate it every day, by your presence here.” He continued, “If we're going to have sustainable communities ~ if that economy that supports that sustainable community is going to exist, it's going to come from ideas like this that are aligned, and not at odds with this place, which is unique in the world. I came here to start a water company because of its protection of natural resources. [Christine] recognizes the value of the land, the value of the protection, the value of all that is going on to create this space. [sic] If we can create a venture that both feeds people's souls and also delivers commercial value, we've literally touched every part of what a sustainable community and economy is like.” Turning to Powers he noted, “You're expanding the way that we think, and we need to be expanded [sic]. It's a wonderful addition to the collection of businesses and entrepreneurs, and innovators that we have here. And I can't wait to point more and more people towards it as a way of inspiring them to a way that they themselves can do the same thing.”

A major grantor for the project, Interim Johnsburg Town Supervisor Mark Smith, made this observation about walking a labyrinth: “Let everything go. Just enjoy being alone. And when you go in there [sic], there's one way. [When] you come out, you may experience a strange feeling. Don't be afraid of that feeling. That's what we call peace.”

State Senator Dan Stec commented on the unique appeal during the opening celebration: “It's going to be a great addition to the town of Johnsburg. And, [sic] certainly to the Adirondacks as a whole; this is another gemstone in what are the Adirondacks and, again, something for everybody. Not everyone wants to climb mountains or go skiing; not everyone can. But anyone and everyone can come here, feel welcome, and get in touch with themselves.”

Ahout the Build

Tony Christie, a world-renowned labyrinth expert from Ireland, was brought in to design the labyrinth. Larry Powers, Director of Buildings & Grounds at Asa, led the building process. After about $60,000 in costs, two and a half years of planning and building, and more than 50 volunteers from 14 states and three countries putting in 3,200 hours, the Adirondack Labyrinth is already gaining an international audience. “Pilgrims” from Calgary to California came to Bakers Mills to be the first to walk it.

Build It & They Will Come

The Adirondack Labyrinth is an invitation to a journey of connection. With 40 million people residing within a 300-mile radius, Christine and Larry Powers, full-time residents of Johnsburg since 2016, continue to expand and prepare the infrastructure needed to welcome people from near and far as they watch the momentum build.

Commenting on the setting, State Assemblyman Matt Simpson noted, “It's just an incredible feeling to come up this road and turn that corner and see how much work and how much effort. And you can sense the energy here and you can sense the peace and you can sense the connection.” 

The Adirondack Labyrinth is distinctive as the Seventh Legacy Labyrinth in the world ~ a network of labyrinths dedicated to peace and healing in four countries. 

Those wishing to experience the Adirondack Labyrinth must reserve a time to walk at Enthusiasts can choose from a free, one-hour self-guided walk or a walk with a certified labyrinth facilitator, all the way to unique curated experiences featuring additional elements such as crystal bowls, farm-to-table community meals, and full-day and weekend-themed retreats. 


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